Farmer’s ravioli

Amalgamate the ricotta with a hand whisk, mixing the eggs, half of the yellow saffron and minced parsley. Fix the salt and work the whole until to get a well consistency of the mixture. Put it in the refrigerator and prepare the dough with corn flour and water mixed with the remaining saffron. Obtained a smooth homogeneous mixture draw a fine sheet of pastry then put half courgette flower and one knob of stuffing. Cover it with another sheet of pastry and with a small ring cut the pastry and get the ravioli. Cook them in a boiling water and flavour all of them with small tomato pieces scorched with thyme leaves and sweet marjoram. Sprinkle with a little bit of seasoned pecorino cheese.

Ingredients (4 portions):
300 gr. fresh sheep ricotta
400 gr. corn flour
500 gr. fresh chopped tomatoes
10 courgette flowers
1 small saffron bag
3 yolks
minced parsley

Suggested wini:
Cannonau Riserva by Sella & Mosca wineries

Cantine Sella & Mosca